Japanese Music: Yutaka Ozaki

Yutaka Ozaki was a legendary rock musician of the 80s. He sang about grievances with society, the struggle to fit in and the desire for freedom, which made him popular with the youth of the time. Ozaki is considered a musical icon in Japan, and his songs continue to be covered by both famous and unknown artists to this day. He was found dead at the age of 26. Many of his fans believe he was murdered. However, this is just a theory.

Japanese Music: King Giddra – Star Tanjou (A Star Is Born)

As I’m a bit tired of superhero stuff and formulaic things, and I don’t always have things to upload, I thought about extending the site’s scope a bit once again. So, how about music? Haven’t really done that before. Obviously, we’re not talking Kawaii Pop, but the more obscure and underrated stuff that’s largely inaccessible to English-speaking netizens. The underground is where you find the most interesting things.

King Giddra (named after Godzilla’s adversary, of course) was a Japanese conscious hip hop group that was popular in the 90s. This particular song is about the dark sides of the entertainment industry and tells the story of a young woman who wants to be a celebrity, but is tricked by a street scout into doing porn against her will and has her life fall apart shortly after her 15 minutes of fame.

Star Tanjou was the title of a casting show in the 80s, and the suicide of contestant Yukiko Okada is a famous case in Japan. The dark aspects of the idol scene in particular have been discussed at lengths, with things like the Johnny’s scandal and Minami Minegishi’s (AKB) forced apology video. For a particularly cruel and scary example, read about the story of Misaki Tenshi.

Please excuse any and all mistakes in the translation & feel free to correct them if you spot them.

A star is born
A heartless business (x2)

An honest, sweet girl who grew up dreaming of being a star.
Determined from a young age, she sang and danced her heart out.
She left her hometown and moved to the big city
of Tokyo right after high school.

Things seemed good.
It’s been almost 2 months and I was ready to take any job.
I was a waitress from night till morning
and kept taking modeling lessons.
I started working as a companion around Kaminarimon,
Wondering where I’d end up.

6 months later. I’ve found a boyfriend.
In front of Shinjuku Station, where I was waiting,
A stranger suddenly approached me.

“Hey, you’re cute. You could be a celebrity.
How about recording a CD or starring in a TV show?”

He gave me his business card,
And we talked about all sorts of things.
Sweet temptation, empty head.
Could it be an unexpected blessing?
I grew up dreaming of being a star.
I always wanted to sing in front of people.

A few days later, I call him.
The next day, I have an interview.
3:00 AM at Hachiko, Shibuya.
He was there with a friend.

“Excuse me. Sorry for being late.
Here’s your instructions. I’ll see you there, okay?”

4 to 5 minutes walk to the office.
It’s an apartment with a PIN protected door.
I take the dark elevator to the 12th floor.
I’m shown a room that looks like a studio.
I was served tea and told to wait.
All I heard was the ticking of the clock.
I had a bad feeling, but by the time I realized it,
It was already too late.

One guy with a camera, then another.
A fat guy slowly smiles and bends me over the table.
A hand reaches out and pulls off my coat.
A quiet voice of resignation,
Eyes focused on the distance.
I grew up dreaming of being a star,
But this wasn’t what I had in mind.

3 months later. She’s a video queen.
She’s on late night TV all the time.
But it’s different from the girl’s dreams.
Behind the camera, her heart is in pain.
It’s not what she wanted to be.
She didn’t yet realize her mistake.
The do’s and don’ts, the dreams and the fame.
It’s a difficult mess.
A life that’s too complicated to see from the outside.
A credit card bill that’s too much to pay.
Flashy appearances, curling hair, too pale without makeup.
[?] The last guy taught me how to do it quick,
[?] and with a personality to match.

6 months later. She’s no longer in demand.
She’s become possessed by the white devil.
Drug charges, speeding, breakdowns, fading time.
Her cycle was over. Nerves wrecked, her heart stopped.
20 something, too skinny, too fat,
A remote-controlled angel
who died an unnatural and lonely death.

I dreamed of being a star,
Only to have my light taken from me.